Content Marketing
What is content marketing
All businesses run on content, from blog posts to website copy, sales pages and ads. Content marketing takes all that stuff you’re already producing and gives it purpose. You create a unified brand by being strategic and coherent in creating your content. This helps raise your visibility, which draws people to you. However, the ability of content marketing to attract the specific people you want to work with is far more powerful. Creating content consistently is vital to ensuring your website ranks highly on SERPs. By creating content designed and optimised for your ideal client, you ensure a steady pipeline of leads and end up working with the right people.
Liberate your in-house team by hiring a content marketing agency
Reduce your costs by outsourcing
Several of the huge benefits of outsourcing your content marketing efforts to an agency relate to money. Paying full-time employees to do the job would be extremely costly, particularly if you don’t already have people with the right skills and need to recruit and hire new staff members. You may not need the level of work a full-time employee can perform, resulting in wasted hours. Conversely, you may require far more content creation than a single person can handle. Costs can rapidly escalate, as can wasted resources, while scaling up or down requires hiring or firing team members. Not pleasant.
Working with an external team removes all those costly issues. Instead, you have a predictable, fixed cost that’s easily managed. You can also scale the amount of work you have done up or down as needed. The other monetary concern is ROI. When you have a team of highly skilled experts who specialise in content marketing working for you, they can improve on your existing ROI and devise new strategies that consistently improve your returns.
At The Pursuit Agency, we can help you with all your content marketing needs, from creating written articles to crafting landing pages, filming videos, and designing infographics. We’ll work closely with you to create a bespoke and tailored plan for your brand that fully aligns with your marketing goals. We’ll also be flexible and holistic in our approach to ensure you always get the best possible service.
Content Marketing FAQs
What is an ideal client, and why are they important
Many businesses fall into the trap of ‘spray and pray marketing. This means you are blasting out marketing messages to anyone and everyone who will listen. You lack a consistent message. You don’t have a strong brand voice. You’re trying to speak to everyone, and as a result, you’re not resonating with anyone. If you convince people to work with you or buy from you, it’s by sheer fluke and not because you’re a good fit for each other.
As a result, your ROI is very poor because so few people convert. Your business suffers from a lack of conversions, and those you do convert may be an awful fit for your business. You haven’t given them a clear message about who you are and what you do, so your offering may not be the best thing for them. They, meanwhile, may prove incredibly difficult to work with - never satisfied, always expecting more, and generally very difficult to please.
An ideal client is a profile you develop of the perfect person for you to have as a customer. First, consider what makes people a good fit for your business. That might be their location, age, gender, or profession, but it often relates to their current problems and how your product or service is the perfect solution to those issues.
When you know your ideal customer and create a marketing strategy specifically designed to attract them, you can ditch the spray and pray approach and focus all your efforts on landing the right clients. As a result, your conversion rates go up, your customer satisfaction skyrockets, your ROI improves, and you start receiving customers via positive word of mouth as happy clients recommend you.